Z Ward Asylum

Z Ward Asylum Murder & Madness and Z Ward Ghost Tour

Z Ward Asylum Dark History

Cost: $39
Duration: 2 Hours
Just how are the Adelaide Gaol and the ‘criminally insane’ Z Ward in Glenside linked?  Help us explore this connection and learn of some of the patients who found themselves incarcerated in what was then known as Parkside Lunatic Asylum – including those that committed the most despicable crime of all… murder!
Z Ward Ghost Hunt and Z Ward Ghost Tour

Z Ward Asylum Ghost Hunt

Cost: $80
Duration: 3 - 4 Hours
Is Z Ward really haunted? Are those rumours true? Now is your chance to find out by joining our Z Ward Asylum Ghost Hunt! Z Ward has long been a fascination for those interested in the paranormal, and there was always one question raised… is it really haunted?
Z Ward Ghost Hunt and Z Ward Ghost Tour

Z Ward Asylum Ghost Tour

Cost: $48
Duration: 2 Hours
The ‘Criminal Insane’ Ward of Parkside Lunatic Asylum – one of our more disturbing and terrifying tours! Make sure your nerves are strong enough for this one!